Board of Variance Agenda September 15, 2020

This meeting shall be held without members of the public in attendance due to the inability to assure that contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19 will not occur, despite physical distancing, enhanced sanitation and hygiene, occupancy limits, screening, and other safety measures prescribed in the City of Enderby City Hall COVID-19 Safe Operations Plan

Please contact Enderby City Hall at 250-838-7230 or by 4:30pm on September 14, 2020 to obtain access codes to attend the meeting electronically.

The City of Enderby uses Zoom for its electronic facilities and encourages members of the public unfamiliar with the application to test it in advance; for technical support, please contact Zoom.

If you do not have a computer or mobile phone capable of using Zoom, please let us know and we can provide you with a number that you can call in from a regular telephone.