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Crosswalk Safety Tips

Drivers and pedestrians alike have a responsibility to keep both parties safe during their travels. Pedestrians may have the right-of-way, but should not presume that a driver will stop.

Here are 9 tips to stay safe in crosswalks:

  1. Stay alert and attentive; focus your full attention on what is happening around you.
  2. Never assume it is safe to cross, even if you have the right-of-way or a crosswalk signal is telling you that you may enter the crosswalk.
  3. Before entering a crosswalk, stop and look both ways.
  4. Do not step into the path of a vehicle that cannot reasonably be expected to stop in time.
  5. Always make eye contact with approaching drivers and make sure that they are coming to a stop before entering a crosswalk.
  6. Before crossing into the next lane of traffic, always make eye contact with the approaching driver in that lane and make sure that they are coming to a stop.
  7. Walk, don’t run, through a crosswalk.
  8. Dismount and walk your bicycle through a crosswalk, unless the crosswalk has “elephant’s feet” indicating that cyclists may ride across it.
  9. Make yourself more visible to drivers by wearing reflective clothing or gear.